Seattle Pride 2022

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This is my second year walking in the Seattle Pride Parade. In 2019 I joined a friend and walked with Microsoft, but this year GoDaddy had a spot in the parade route, and I couldn’t have been more proud. It was so fun walking with my friends and coworkers (even our CEO came out!) with our GIANT GoDaddy pride flag all the way to the Seattle Center. I was walking circles around the group to get photos and video and according to my watch, I walked 14,054 steps that day. I get that might not sound like a lot, but it was for me, lol.

It was hot, and I definitely got sunburned, but it was worth it to be back outside with pride. I haven’t been around this many people since the start of COVID and it did feel a bit weird. It almost felt like nothing had happened in the past two years. I’m a pretty avid mask wearer still, but I normally don’t wear one when I’m outside. Mostly because I don’t get close to strangers while I’m walking Benji, but this was very different and I do regret not wearing it more than I did.

I also didn’t think I would want to stick around at the park for too long after the parade, because we were so tired, but the music was fabulous and great company all around. I did partake in the overpriced, under poured adult beverages. I had two and didn’t feel a thing, but didn’t want to tempt fate with any additional drinks. With my luck, I would’ve gotten super shitty, and it would have been an even more miserable evening between the sunburn and tired body.

I did miss not living right up the street and being able to walk the 3 minutes to my apartment, but I was thankful my friend let me crash at her condo in Ballard. I drove down for the whole weekend so we could go to Pride together, but we also went to a Seattle Storm basketball game. They did not win, but it was still a very fun time to spend with friends.

I wasn’t quite feeling myself, to be honest. Actually, I haven’t been feeling myself for a while now, but putting on some special makeup and a shimmery cape did help my mood slightly. I’ve almost completely stopped taking photos of myself because every time I look at a photo I’ve taken recently, I’ve hated it. So that’s probably contributing to why I haven’t been filming a lot of videos lately. *shrug*

TLDR; I went to Seattle Pride.

Thanks for reading & drink more water

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Raisa Lynn

Welcome to my weird little corner of the inernet. I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and experiences with others who are interested in my life. I hope that my insights can help others to learn and grow. Thank you for reading!

